Taking your dog on a road trip is easy when you plan ahead and pack the right gear. Aside from the obvious stuff like a safety seat or crate, kibble, water, and Fido’s favorite toy, there are a few other items that come in handy when canine caravanning. From being prepared for roadside messes to keeping your dog cool in the car, these tips will help you make the most out of traveling with your dog on the road.
Extra Towels
You can never have too many towels stowed in the trunk. They’re just what’s needed when Spike jumps in that mud puddle even though you told him not to exactly twenty-three times. Or if he jumps in that pond full of algae goodness. When the water bowl spills in the backseat, you’ll be reaching for that stash of extra towels to mop up the mess.
A Crate Fan
If you’re traveling with a traditional wire crate or kennel, a crate fan is a good investment. They hook right onto the crate and run on batteries or plug-in to a 12 volt power source. They move a lot of air into the crate, and some even have a cooling attachment. When circulation in the back of the vehicle is a problem, a crate fan can give your dog some relief from the heat.
A Water Spray Bottle
If your dog isn’t afraid of them (because let’s face it, they are a great discipline tool), a water spray bottle can come in super handy on a road trip. Spray bottles are great for cooling down your dog if they’re getting too hot. A few sprays to get them damp -especially on the belly- will help cool them down quickly. You can train your dog to drink from one too. This makes it easy to spritz their thirsty little mouths any time without setting up water bowl. A small travel-size spray bottle is perfect for road trips, hiking or walks and best of all they are easy to pack!
A Cool Bed

Cool Beds are a road trip must-have. Once activated with water and plumped up for comfort, a Cool Bed will stay cool for days, probably even your whole trip! A Cool Bed will help your dog regulate its temperature by providing a chilled surface to cool the body’s core.
Especially when the car is packed with stuff and there is reduced airflow. If your dog is an anxious passenger who works herself up into a panting hot mess, a Cool Bed can help reduce the risk of overheating from stress. Since Cool Beds are activated with water, they don’t need electricity and are made of durable cotton canvas that can travel anywhere for years.